
Calling in sick migraine
Calling in sick migraine

Among Canadian employees, 56% had taken sick days, 23% were on short term disability, and 18% were on long term disability.Migraine was more costly than asthma, diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

calling in sick migraine

According to a study done in Canada on 28 000 employees on 16 health conditions, migraine came third for cost related to missed days at work after back pain and mood disorders.It is a significant cause of lost productivity in the workplace. Migraine should be a top priority for employers and disability insurance companies. Migraine is a leading cause of absenteeism (missed workdays) Because it affects so many people during their productive years, migraine is ranked as the second cause of years lived with disability (YLD), way above other health conditions.ĥ.According to the World Health Organization, a migraine attack is classified with the most disabling health events (along with quadriplegia and schizophrenia).The World Health Organization recognizes migraine as the third most common disease in the world (just after dental cavities and… tension headache).1 to 2% have chronic migraine (a severe form).12% of the world’s population has migraine, women more than men (3/1).A cascade of events leads to the release of inflammatory molecules near the sensitive nerves inside the skull. During an attack, different zones of the brain get activated.Even in between attacks, the migraine brain is hypersensitive to sensations, and it processes serotonin differently.That probably explains why migraine is so variable. The predisposition for migraine is genetic, but from a combination of genes.Migraine is a chemical and electrical phenomenon in the brain

calling in sick migraine

  • Auras that may impair vision, speech, sensation and even movementĢ.
  • Sensitivity to light, sounds, smells and movement.
  • Does your employer understand what migraine is? Here are a few informations that could be worth sharing.

    Calling in sick migraine